My School Day
Portal 2024.0
Sands Secondary School
My School Day
 Privacy Info
App Console 2024.0
© 2014- 2024 Honeygarlic Software Ltd

Please note the app portal is undergoing updates and maintenance in preparation for the new school year, and responsiveness may be reduced.
I have an account, Sign in

I forgot my password

Click or tap the button below or the "Reset Password" item in the menu to start a password reset. You can also ask your school administrator to reset your password, or contact our support staff. When contacting support, please send the request from the same email address used for your account.

  Reset password

I need an account

Please contact your school administration to get an account. We are unable to add accounts without authorization from our administration contacts.

I need help

If you're having problems signing in, are not receiving your password reset email, or have any other questions, please feel free to contact our support staff using the link in the menu or the button below. When contacting support, please send the request from the same email address used for your account.

  Contact support